Keep Our Hearts In Check

Finances cause the most stress for a lot of people. It can start out as a worry about providing or having enough to live, but if we let it, it can quickly turn into greed.

Matthew 6:24 tells us that we can’t worship both God and money. We are told to give the Lord glory in everything, including our money. But the enemy knows our weaknesses and how easy it is for us to worship money. We have to be careful to keep an eye on our hearts and keep them from falling into the trap that so many people do. Whether we feel like we don’t have enough or like we have too much, Christ tells us to keep our hearts in check.

The love of money is one of the most common ways people fall into idolatry. This can happen to anyone, so we need to be aware and put on the armour of God to protect ourselves from the enemy. Whatever your money problems are, let’s take some time to pray about them.


Dear God, help to me stay away from the greed of money, Amen.

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