Romans 12:1 and Your Physical Health

Romans 12:1 and Your Physical Health

Maintaining our physical health is part of caring for our bodies. Taking care of our physical health involves a number of important factors, including being physically active, eating well, getting enough sleep and rest, being free from addictions, and managing our stress. It’s wonderful that the Bible gives us so many instructions on how to go about doing this.

You have an extra motivation to take care of your body if you believe in God. The Holy Spirit moves into your physical body as soon as you accept Jesus as your Savior. God really resides within you. Doesn’t it make sense to take the best possible care of your body if you love God and He lives inside of you in the person of the Holy Spirit? I firmly believe it does, though I must admit that occasionally I let some of my eating and other health-related habits slip. Coffee with added sugar and caffeine, candy bars, and a long list of other things are not healthy to put in my body, which is where God resides. The amazing thing is that God is a God of forgiveness and grace. In my case, he is aware that I am gradually turning that part of my life over to Him and pleading with Him to help me alter that aspect of my behaviour.

He can assist you in making changes if you’re not really caring for the body that God has given you. God will assist you if you decide to change and consciously ask for His assistance. He will respect your wishes.

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