Putting Your Trust in God Regarding Your Money

If we are able to trust God with our eternal salvation, then we are also able to trust Him with our finances.

The very idea of giving in such a way triggers anxiety about whether or not there will be enough. Because the Father’s plan appears to be fraught with so much uncertainty, we are tempted to devise our own alternative.

The passage from Scripture that we are looking at today contains some encouraging news in the form of a promise from the Lord to provide for all of our requirements if we will simply honour Him with the first portion of our wealth. A significant number of us have staked our eternal security on what the Lord has said in the Bible, but some of us still have doubts about what He says about money and His provision for us. What complex and contradictory beings we are! We take one passage of Scripture and hold it to be true, while at the same time we disregard another passage because we believe that we cannot put our faith in God regarding the state of our finances.

God instructs us to examine Him in this area to determine whether or not He is trustworthy (Malachi 3:10). Giving to the Lord allows us the privilege of witnessing Him carry out the promises made in His Word. Which is more trustworthy: our innate wisdom or the revealed truth from the omnipotent God? If we can put our faith in our Father for our salvation, then we ought to be able to put our faith in Him for our prosperity as well. And generosity is a way to show that we believe what He says, so that’s another reason to practise it.

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