Where Are You?

How do you deal with being bad? Since the beginning of time, people have tried to avoid feeling this painful emotion. Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, and since then, we’ve been using their bad ideas to try to get rid of guilt.

Adam and Eve’s first instinct was to hide the truth instead of “fessing up,” but nothing can hide sin from God.

Then, they tried to stay away from the Lord. Have you ever avoided prayer and reading the Bible because you didn’t want to feel convicted?

Then they refused to take responsibility for their actions and tried to put the blame on other people. But God holds each of us accountable for what we do, no matter what the situation or who else is involved.

Lord came to Adam and Eve and asked them a series of questions that were meant to make them think about their sin. Still, this is the only way to deal with our mistakes. We have to admit our wrongdoing and ask for forgiveness before we can get the forgiveness and cleansing that Christ bought for us on the cross.

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